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DaySmart Online Booking Start Guide - Desktop
DaySmart Online Booking Start Guide - Desktop
Thalia Perez avatar
Written by Thalia Perez
Updated this week


This guide helps you set up an Online Booking website for your business, enabling clients to book appointments that sync with your software. It covers how to add the booking feature to your website and social media profiles, allowing easy client access. Additionally, clients can create logins to view and manage their appointments, and once CardConnect is set up, credit card processing can be integrated into your system.

Create an Online Booking Website

These instructions will help you create and set up an Online Booking website for your business that allows clients to book and request appointments that sync directly and automatically with your software.

Get Started

To begin setting up your booking website, please follow the instructions provided for the software you are using.

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  1. Open your desktop software, click on Online Services at the top.

  2. A dropdown will appear, select Online Booking Setup.

  3. A pop-up box will appear, click Learn More and Sign Up. A new webpage will open for you to get started.

Set-Up Booking Website Feature

When you're ready to sign up for the feature, you can begin building the basics of your website.

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  1. Choose an account name for your website address. Most businesses use their name (all one word) at the beginning of the website address. Click on Check Availability to verify that your account name is not already taken by another business. If it's already taken, you must choose a name that is available.

  2. You will be given an opportunity to change your selected name or continue the setup process. If you are satisfied with your website URL, click Continue Setup. Otherwise, choose Change Name to pick something else.

  3. Pick a theme for your site. Everything on your site can be customized to match your style, but selecting a pre-designed theme will help get you started. Use the magnifying glass icon to see a preview of any available theme. If you will be doing a lot of customization, it may be best to choose a theme like Simplicity since it's very basic.

  4. Click on Finish! Create Website. This may take a couple minutes. This completes the setup of your website. Click the Continue to Edit Your Website button if you would like to start making changes and modifying your preferences now. Otherwise, your site is live with all the default settings and clients can start requesting appointments. The next section provides some helpful starting tips for getting started with your website.

Editing Your Website

Now that your website is setup, you can then begin to edit its appearance and make it more of your own, along with adjusting the booking process settings.

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Website Options

When you are signed into your website, you will be taken to the behind the scenes options.

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Change Your Website Appearance

  • Website Themes - This will allow you you to customize the theme of your website by selecting one of the available templates

  • Pages an Navigation- This will let you control what pages customers can view and in what order the will appear.

Manage Business Information


You can now include an employees nickname by inputting it under Display Name.

  • Business Details - Input the businesses information, hours, services offered, the amenities that you offer, and social media Integration. You can also enable the Google Analytics website tracking

  • Service Listing - Edit which of your services will be listed on your website. You can change the display name of each service and its description that will appear on your website. You can also select of you want your website to show your prices.

  • Employee Profiles - Edit which employees will be included in your online employee list, and modify the information that is shown in the online profile for each employee.

  • Appointment Request Log - Search previous or current appointment requests using client name, phone number or request ID.

  • Online Gift Cards - If you would like to sell online gift cards, turn on this feature and clients will be able to purchase gift cards through your website.

Set Your Preferences


Under Booking Preferences, you can now include an employees nickname by inputting it under Display Name.

  • Booking Preferences - Customize your booking settings, client notifications, employee notifications, client settings, and theme color for the booking experience.

  • Booking Plugin Setup - If you are hosting your own website, you can allow your clients to book appointments directly through your site by using our plugin. Check out the Add to an Existing Business Website section for more details.

  • Facebook Integration - You can allow your clients to book directly through your business's Facebook page by connecting your Online Booking account to your Facebook account.

Manage Account Settings

  • Account Overview - Easily navigate to your account overview to make any business updates

  • Manage User Access - Add or edit who has access to your business account

  • Add Custom Domain - Upgrade your booking website by creating a custom domain.

Edit Website

When you are done editing the behind the scenes options, select Edit Website on the navigation bar along the left side to start customizing your booking website.

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Site Styles

This will give you access to editing the overall theme of your website. From this section, you will be able to edit the text font, size and color that will be used for the entire site by default. You will also be able to adjust the site background, menus and heading options from here.

Edit Layout

This option will let you add additional content sections. You can also rearrange the order of your content sections when this option is selected.

Edit Content

This will allow you to add information into the sections that you create with the Edit Layout option. You can choose to include text, video, images, a map for where your business is located, and info cards. Info cards will give you the option to include your contact info, address, operation hours, features & amenities, and other services that you offer. You can adjust all information that will be included on the info cards by selecting Website Options and then Business Details.

Website Options

This will take you back to the behind the scenes options that will let you control what pages a customer can navigate to, what information appears on your website, and when customers can book appointments.

Add HTML Code

Make use of some simple HTML code in order to customize elements of your booking page to truly make it yours.

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To edit your booking web page, go to your online booking website and sign in.

  1. Select Add More Content from the bottom of the page.

  2. Select the section style you wish to use and press the Check mark when you have your decision.

  3. Select Save Changes.

  4. In the content section you created, click on the Text option.

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  5. Select the icon for </> as shown in the picture below.

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  6. You can then enter your HTML code, by cutting it from your local file and pasting it into this input box. Make sure to press Update HTML when you are finished in order to save your edits and make your changes public. Be sure to "proof your post" by checking your booking page right away to ensure that this HTML is doing what you expected.

Helpful Website Tips

To maximize the effectiveness of your booking site and enhance your business practices, follow these helpful tips.

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Modify Employee Schedules

Client bookings are linked to employee schedules in your software. If a time is available, clients can book it. Ensure the schedule matches employees' exact working hours.

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Creating a Schedule:

  1. Click the Schedule icon at the top of your software.

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  2. Double-click on the square next to the employee and under the date that you would like to modify.

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  3. The Modify Schedule dialog box will open.

    • Date Section - Check to make sure the correct date is selected. Choose recurring if the employee works the same schedule on multiple dates.

    • Status Section - Choose if the employee is working or has time scheduled off

    • Working Hours Section - Type in the employee's start and end times. Do not include lunch or break times.

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  4. Click OK when finished.

Copy an Existing Schedule:

  1. Click the Schedule icon at the top of your software.

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  2. Under the General Options on the left click the Copy Schedules button.

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  3. The Copy Employee Schedules dialog box will open. From here you can choose the Source employee (the schedule you would like to copy), the start & end date, and the employee you would like to apply the schedule to.

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Manage all requests from the new "Requests" button at the top of your software. Online Booking requests appear as translucent "ghost appointments" in the requested time slot until accepted or rejected, preventing double-booking. You'll receive a pop-up alert for new requests, and double-clicking a ghost appointment shows the accept/reject screen with details.

Add Online Booking to...

Easily add the booking feature from your Online Booking page to your existing website and social media profiles, allowing clients to book appointments seamlessly from anywhere.

Existing Business Website

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  1. ​Log in to your Online Booking website with your authorized DaySmart account.

  2. Select Website Options in the Navigate panel on the left.

  3. Choose Booking Plugin Setup in the Set Your Preferences section.

  4. If you'd like the plugin to have the same appearance as your selected Online Booking page theme, click the Generate Plugin Code button. Set the width of the frame and click ​Generate Plugin Code. Skip to Step 6. (NOTE: The height of the frame will be sized dynamically with each step of the booking process, so it's only necessary for you to choose the width.)

  5. If you want to alter the appearance of the booking plugin, select Design Booking Plugin. Make the desired changes and see a preview with the Open Preview button or click the checkmark icon to save changes. Expand the Booking Plugin Setup menu with the arrow in the upper right and click Generate Plugin Code. (NOTE: The height of the frame will be sized dynamically with each step of the booking process, so it's only necessary for you to choose the width.)​

  6. Copy the code and paste it where you would like the plugin to appear or send it to your web developer to have it added to your existing website. Please note that this code will not work if pasted into a text box meant to modify the front end of your site. It will need to be copied directly to the code for your site or through a back-end webpage editor.

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Use Instagram to get more business for your business! You can now add a "Book Now" button to your Instagram profile which will direct customers to your online booking website where they can request or schedule an appointment with you.

  1. Open up the Instagram app.

  2. Go to your business profile in the bottom right of the screen.

  3. Tap Edit Profile.

  4. Under Public Business Information, tap Action Buttons..

  5. Tap Book Now.

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  6. Select the action button for DaySmart under Add a Book Now Button.

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  7. You will then be prompted to enter your login credentials for DaySmart. Once you have entered your e-mail address and password, tap Log In.

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  8. The following screen will confirm the Instagram business profile that you want to connect with Salon Iris. If the Instagram page is correct, select Continue as [Instagram Username].

  9. Confirm settings on the following page and tap Continue.

  10. Salon Iris Book Now button will be added. You can tap Done and return to your Instagram Page.

  11. Press the Book Now button to confirm that it opens your online booking website so your clients (and maybe some new ones!) can begin booking appointments from this popular social media app.

Upgrades for Online Booking


The following features can only be set-up if you are on version 13 software.

If you were previously a one time purchaser of the software, but want these feature upgrades for Online Booking, please contact our sales team at [email protected] to learn how to upgrade your software.

Enable Client Online Account Access

With the online booking service, you can allow your clients to create logins for your business. With these login accounts, your customers will be able to view their upcoming appointments and change their contact information as needed from your website.

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  1. From your online booking website, select Manage Site at the bottom of the page.

  2. Login with your email and password.

  3. Select Booking Preferences.

  4. Scroll down to the section labelled Client Settings.

  5. Move the slider for Allow Client Online Account Access from NO to YES.

  6. Click Save Changes to save your settings.

Now that you have enabled account creation, you customers will be able to setup a login so that they can view their upcoming appointments and change their contact information. Customers will be able to create their account during the appointment booking process.​

​Email Customers to Create an Account

Email your customers to inform them they can create an account on your online booking site. This ensures the account is linked to the correct client and prevents duplicates.

  1. Within the installed desktop software, go to the Online Services drop down menu.

  2. Select Online Booking.

  3. In the Account Options section, select Invite Clients to Book Online.

  4. You will receive a message asking if you want to send e-mail login information to all active clients that do not already have an account. Press Yes.

  5. You will now receive a message stating how many clients will receive the email to create a login account. Press OK. Your clients will not start to receive emails to create a login for use with your online booking website.

Require Credit Card Information

If you are a CardConnect customer, you can securely collect credit card information from clients during the booking process, ensuring that you have their details readily available when needed.

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Please Note:

To require credit card information for online bookings, you will first need to sign up with CardConnect to set up credit card processing.

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Hardware Requirements

  1. Merchant Account: To process credit card transactions, you need a merchant account to route funds to your bank. Businesses with multiple contractors can set up several accounts. For help, email [email protected].

  2. Credit Card Reader: A credit card reader connects to your computer and lets you swipe cards for transactions, eliminating the need to manually enter card details. Only use hardware from CardConnect.

  3. Printer: A receipt printer prints two copies of a transaction receipt—one for the customer and one for their signature. Epson printers are supported, or you can use a regular full-size printer.

  4. Internet Connection: A modem connects your computer to the merchant account provider. For faster transactions, a cable modem or DSL is recommended.

CardConnect Instructions

Set-Up Credit Card Processing:

  1. Make sure that you are on version 13 of the software. If you are not on version 13 you will need to contact our sales team to update the software.

  2. Obtain your business' merchant account information by contacting DaySmart Payments. A merchant account is required to process credit cards.

  3. With your merchant account number, go to Tools > Credit Card Setup.

  4. Check the box for Enable Credit Card Processing.

  5. From the Processing Method drop down menu, select CardConnect.

  6. Enter the merchant ID into the corresponding field.

  7. Press the Verify button to confirm that it was entered correctly.

Hardware Setup:

  1. Obtain processing hardware and connect it to your network's router. If the device is able to make the required connection, it will change from saying Unbolted to Bolted at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Within the software, go to Tools > Credit Card Setup.

  3. To connect to the credit card machine, select Add Device.

  4. Select the device type that corresponds with the credit card machine that you received from CardConnect.

  5. For the Serial Number, take a look at the device. When it is powered on, it will list your serial number at the top of the device. Enter the number into the corresponding field within the software.

  6. The display name can be whatever you would like, but it is recommended you name it so you know which device specifically it is.

  7. Press OK to save the device.

  8. With the device added, press Test Connection to make sure that the device is working. If it comes up with a message saying "A successful connection was made to the selected device" you are setup to process with the device. if you get a different message, double check that you entered the serial number correctly and that the device itself says Bolted.

​You should now test your integrated credit card processing. To do so, add or edit a ticket. Add a service and mark the prices as a dollar. Click the Tender = Due button and click the Process Credit Card button. Swipe the credit card and your software will process the card. You will then receive a message saying that it was either approved or declined. If the card is approved the ticket will automatically close. To return the funds to your card, simply go back into the ticket and press Void at which point the software will also ask if you want to void the transaction through CardConnect. Press Yes. If your credit card did not process, email DaySmart Payments at [email protected]

Then, to ensure clients enter payment details when submitting requests, you must enable client account access to your booking site.

  1. Go to your online booking website and select Manage Site at the bottom of the page.

  2. Sign in with your email and password.

  3. Select Booking Preferences.

  4. Scroll down to the Client Settings Section.

  5. For the Require Credit Card When Booking an Appointment option, change the slider from No to Yes.

  6. If desired, check the box for Include service prices when booking an appointment.

  7. You can adjust the Online Booking Policy. This will display on the website when the customer is entering their credit card information.

  8. Press Save Changes at the top of the Client Settings section.

You are now setup to have your customers be required to enter their credit card information when making online booking requests. This credit card information will be stored with CardConnect, but you will be able to charge the card when checking a customer out through your software.

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